Thursday, July 31, 2014

Repeal the NY SAFE Act and NYC gun laws

I never really go on rants but gun ownership is something that I feel very strongly about.

Not only is the NY SAFE Act unconstitutional, but it is completely ineffective. For starters, it grants local authorities to overstep their constitutional boundaries and seize one's firearm(s) without a warrant or a court order if there is probable cause that the owner is mentally unstable or plans to use the firearm to commit a crime. Of course, what constitutes "probable cause" is usually vague and subjective.
The law goes further to classify any semi-automatic firearm that has a detachable magazine and possesses a "military-style feature" as an assault rifle. A military-style feature includes components such as a pistol grip, a bayonet lug, a folding stock, or a flash suppressor - basically any characteristic of a firearm that does not increase the ability of it to kill or do damage. If you know anything about firearms, you would know that this provision does not make anyone safer and/or lessen the lethality of any firearm. It also makes it clear that state law makers do not possess much experience or knowledge regarding guns. This definition categorizes a huge portion of firearms as assault weapons which therefore prohibits the sales of those firearms in New York state. It greatly infringes on the constitutional right allowing citizens to keep and bear arms.

The law goes on to introduce more unnecessary bureaucracy such as the requirement for ammunition dealers to carry out background checks. Likewise, under the Act, the private sale of firearms requires a background check to be performed. These provisions are in hope that it will prevent criminals or the mentally unstable from obtaining firearms. When in reality, all it does is punish law abiding gun owners. Since there will always be a black market, a criminal or any one who intends on using a firearm for bad will indeed have the access to firearms. The way to counter this is to have armed, law abiding citizens who not only act as a deterrent to potential criminals, but can prevent crimes from occurring where they are present. Human evil is inevitable. We will never live in a utopian society which is what some people don't understand. The gun is just a tool. It is ultimately the user who renders it good or evil.

The only laws more restrictive than the states are New York City's. And guess what? Based on the Uniform Crime Reporting System, NYC had a total of 52,384 violent crimes in 2013 as opposed to 23,981 in non-NYC regions in the same year. The 2013 estimated population of NYC is 8,405,837 compared to the rest of NY state's population of 11,245,290. Therefore, despite having more stringent laws on gun ownership, NYC has a higher violent crime rate than the rest of the state. These violent crimes include murders, robberies, and aggravated assaults. I wish I was able to compare the numbers of each region's violent crimes by firearms, but NYC hasn't released those figures. In essence: no, you are not safer in NYC where gun laws are more strict and legal gun ownership is less prevalent.

I find it disgusting that one year ago, at 18 years old, I enlisted in the Marine Corps. I swore to uphold the Constitution and protect the US from enemies foreign and domestic (Unfortunately I was medically disqualified). Yet, I'm now 19 and still cannot own a firearm in NYC. I have been into guns since I was 16 and not once has the thought of ever illegally utilizing a firearm popped into my head. Before I eventually move out of New York State (for a variety of reasons), I'm going to do all that I can to challenge the NY SAFE Act such as participating politically and linking up with like-minded people. I urge any one on my list to do the same. We need to act collectively to make a difference. The odds may be stacked against us but we should not be stripped of our constitutional rights due to a misguided sense of the public good.